
CH12 Operator Overloading


本文為 2021-Fall 學期旁聽台大資管系孔令傑教授開授的 Programming Design 所記錄的課程筆記。課程內容程式碼可以參閱我的 Github repo: C++ Programming-Design-2021-Fall

Motivations and prerequisites

Comparing MyVector objects

MyVector是我們自定義的class,當我們想要比較用MyVector創建的object們之間的大小時,我們可以在MyVector裡加入member function(like: bool isEqual(const MyVector& v)),來實踐object間的比較。

雖然instance function可以完成任務,但似乎不夠直覺,但要是兩個MyVector object: v1, v2之間可以直接用==來比較就更好了,然而compiler並不知道如何直接比較self-defined data type,我們需要如同寫instance function一樣,自行定義MyVector的==,也就是做operator overloading

Operator overloading

Most operators (if not all) have been overloaded in the C++ standard. Overloading operators for self-defined classes are not required. However, it may make programs clearer and the class easier to use.

Some restrictions:

  • Not all operators can be overloaded (see your textbook).
  • The number of operands for an operator cannot be modified. (+ can only for 2 operands)
  • One cannot create new operators. (不能自創符號)


Inside an instance function, this is a pointer storing the address of that object.

  • this is a C++ keyword.
  • this->variable 表示去該object所在的address,取出variable,相當於(*this).variable
class A
int a;
void f() { cout << this << "\n"; }
A* g() { return this; }

int main()
A obj;
cout << &obj << "\n"; // 0x9ffe40
obj.f(); // 0x9ffe40
cout << (&obj == obj.g()) << "\n"; // 1
return 0;

Why using this?

當class的local variable與function parameter有相同的名稱時我們就需要this->來分別哪一個是local variable, for example: this->n is the instance variable and n is the local variable.

This will allow other programmers (or yourself in the future) to know they are members without looking at the class definition.

MyVector::MyVector(int n, int m[]) 
this->n = n;
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
this->m[i] = m[i];

Constant objects

constant object不能呼叫那些會改變他自己instance variables的function,在C++中我們可以把instance function宣告成constant instance function,如此這些function就可以被constant object給呼叫。

宣告const instance function方法:宣告時在instance function後面加一個const

class MyVector 
int n;
int* m;
MyVector(int dim, int v[]);
MyVector(const MyVector& v);
void print() const;

For a constant instance function:

  • 可以被non-constant objects呼叫
  • 不可以修改任何instance variable

For a non-constant instance function:

  • 不可以被constant objects給呼叫,即便沒有任何instance variable被更改

Constant instance variables

We may have constant instance variables.

constant instance variable要被constructor初始化時一定會經過assign value的過程, 然而不論locally or globally, constant instance variable不能被assigned數值,因此個constant instance variable時我們需要member initializer

member initializer的用法為在constructor後接上:constant instance variable名稱(value)

MyVector::MyVector() : n(0) initializer.
m = nullptr;
MyVector:: MyVector(int dim, int v[]) : n(dim)
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
m[i] = v[i];
MyVector:: MyVector(const MyVector& v) : n(v.n)
m = new double[n];
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
m[i] = v.m[i];

Overloading comparison and indexing operators

Overloading an operator

An operator is overloaded by “implementing a special instance function”. 看起來就像在寫member function,且不可以宣告成static function,因為被overloaded的operators都是對object做事情,不是對class做事情。

The keyword operator is used for overloading operators:


Overloading ==

class MyVector 
int n;
double* m;
// others
bool operator==(const MyVector& v) const;

bool MyVector::operator==(const MyVector& v) const
if(this->n != v.n)
return false;
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
if(this->m[i] != v.m[i])
return false;
} return true;

int main() // with overloading
double d1[5] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
const MyVector a1(5, d1);
double d2[4] = {1, 2, 3, 4};
const MyVector a2(4, d2);
const MyVector a3(a1);
cout << (a1 == a2 ? "Y" : "N");
cout << "\n";
cout << (a1 == a3 ? "Y" : "N");
cout << "\n";
return 0;

Overloading <

class MyVector 
int n;
double* m;
bool operator==(const MyVector& v)
const; bool operator<(const MyVector& v) const;

bool MyVector::operator<(const MyVector& v) const
if(this->n != v.n)
return false;
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
if(this->m[i] >= v.m[i])
return false;
return true;

Overloading !=

class MyVector 
// ...
bool operator==(const MyVector& v) const;
bool operator!=(const MyVector& v) const;

bool MyVector::operator!=(const MyVector& v) const
return !(*this == v);

Parameters for overloaded operators

傳入overloaded operators的parameters數量有限制,其他都沒有限制

class MyVector
// ...
bool operator==(const MyVector& v) const;
bool operator==(int i, int j); // error

Overloading the indexing operator

對於我們自定義的class MyVector來說還沒有可以存取裡面任意一個數的方法,因此我們可以為MyVector overload []

class MyVector
double operator[](int i) const;
double& operator[](int i);

double MyVector::operator[](int i) const
if(i < 0 || i >= n)
return m[i];
double& MyVector::operator[](int i)
if(i < 0 || i >= n)
return m[i];

int main()
double d1[5] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
MyVector a1(5, d1); // non-const
cout << a1[1] << endl; // 2
a1[1] = 4; // good
cout << a1[1] << endl; // 4
return 0;

constant與non-constant版本的差別在於: const版回傳literal value而非變數,因此無法用來賦值,non-constant版回傳reference因此可以用來賦值

  • constant function只被const object使用
  • non-constant function只被non-const object使用

Overloading assignment and self-assignment operators

Default assignment operator

assignment operator與其他operator不一樣,它本來就被loverloaded過了,compiler會自動幫每個class加上default assignment operator,但做的是shallow copy遇到pointer/array時就會有問題,且當class中有constant member時就會出錯,因此我們可以自己做=的overloading

Overloading the assignment operator

Just like the copy constructor, the assignment operator should be manually overloaded when there are pointers in a class.

class MyVector
MyVector& operator=(const MyVector& v)

const MyVector& MyVector::operator=(const MyVector& v)
if(this != &v)
if(this->n != v.n)
delete [] this->m;
this->n = v.n;
this->m = new double[this->n];
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
this->m[i] = v.m[i];
return *this;

Preventing assignments and copying

In some cases, we disallow assignments between objects of a certain class.

  • To do so, overload the assignment operator as a private member.

In some cases, we disallow creating an object by copying another object.

  • To do so, implement the copy constructor as a private member.

The copy constructor, assignment operator, and destructor form a group.

  • If there is no pointer, none of them is needed.
  • If there is a pointer, all of them are needed.

Overloading addition operators

class MyVector 
// ...
const MyVector operator+(const MyVector& v);
const MyVector MyVector::operator+(const MyVector& v)
MyVector sum(*this); // creating a local variable
sum += v; // using the overloaded +=
return sum;

Why not returning const MyVector&?

因為sum是local variable,若回傳reference的話,local variable會在函數結束後被清除,回傳的reference也會跟著被清除而出錯,因此要直接回傳一個object(會用到deep copy)

Instance function vs. global function

One last issue: addition is commutative, but the program below does not run!

int main() 
double d1[5] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
MyVector a1(5, d1);
a1 = 4.2 + a1; // bad!
return 0;

當double放+前面時,double variable無法使用MyVector的instance function operator+,若要做到的話就要overload+ 為一個global function

A global-function version

const MyVector operator+(const MyVector& v, double d)
MyVector sum(v);
for(int i = 0; i < v.n; i++)
sum[i] += d;
return sum;
const MyVector operator+(double d, const MyVector& v)
return v + d;
const MyVector operator+(const MyVector& v1, const MyVector& v2)
MyVector sum(v1);
sum += v2;
return sum;
