
CH15 Templates, Vector and Exception


本文為 2021-Fall 學期旁聽台大資管系孔令傑教授開授的 Programming Design 所記錄的課程筆記。課程內容程式碼可以參閱我的 Github repo: C++ Programming-Design-2021-Fall


Recall Warriors and wizards

class Character 
static const int EXP_LV = 100;
string name;
int level;
int exp;
int power;
int knowledge;
int luck; // ...

在前一章節的範例中我們用 srtring name作為key來搜尋或區別不同的object,但當有多個object的name attribute是相同的時候就會出問題,因此可能會想要把string name這個attribute改成 int id之類的來做為區別不同object的key。然而若我們把name的type改為int,或許我們某一天又會想要把它改回來成string,我們可能會考慮implement兩個不同版本的class,但這又路造成閱讀與維護上的麻煩。


從上面Character的範例中我們需要keydata type可供彈性選擇,在C++裡templates就可以做到這件事,且不只可以應用在class也可以應用在function。

C++ class templates 要求我們在呼叫function或建立物件時傳入一個data-type argument,如:

  • Warrior<string> w1("Alice", 10);
  • Wizzard<int> w2(16, 5);

Template declaration

Template的用意就是讓使用者可以一情況決定傳入或者要使用的member的data type,因此data type對於template來說就像是一個變數,我們在宣告的時候會用到templatetypename

template<typename T> 
class TheClassName
// T can be treated as a type inside the class definition block


template<typename T>  
T TheClassName<T>::f(T t)
// t is a variable whose type is T

template<typename T>
void TheClassName<T>::f(int i)
//follow the rule even if T is not used

Template invocation

To instantiate an object, pass a type argument.

int main() 
TheClassName<int> a;
TheClassName<double> b;
TheClassName<AnotherClassName> c;


#include <iostream> 
using namespace std;

template<typename T>
void f(T t)
cout << t;

int main()
f<double>(1.2); // 1.2
f<int>(1.2); // 1
return 0;

// When we invoke f with f<double>, the function is
void f(double t)
cout << t;

// When we invoke f with f<int>, the function is
void f(int t)
cout << t;

We may also have multiple type parameters.

#include <iostream> 
using namespace std;
template<typename A, typename B>
void g(A a, B b)
cout << a + b << endl;

int main()
g<double, int>(1.2, 1.7); // 2.2
return 0;

An example with classes

#include <iostream> 
using namespace std;

template<typename T>
class C
T f(T i);

template<typename T>
T C<T>::f(T i)
return i * 2;

int main()
C<int> c;
cout << c.f(10) << endl;
return 0;

Revising the classes

Let’s revise our definitions of Character, Warrior, Wizard, and Team.

template <typename KeyType> 
class Character
static const int EXP_LV = 100;
KeyType name;
int level;
int exp;
int power;
int knowledge;
int luck;
void levelUp(int pInc, int kInc, int lInc);
Character(KeyType n, int lv, int po, int kn, int lu);
virtual void beatMonster(int exp) = 0;
virtual void print();
KeyType getName();


當parent class使用template後,child繼承時就不能再使用原本的parent's class name了,必須要加上<typename>

template <typename KeyType> 
class Warrior : public Character<KeyType> // no class "Character"
{ // there is "Character<int>",
private: // "Character<string>", etc.
static const int PO_LV = 10;
static const int KN_LV = 5;
static const int LU_LV = 5;
Warrior(KeyType n, int lv = 0);
void print();
void beatMonster(int exp);

In the main function

使用template以後Team就可以用string作為key type也可以用int作為key type,有更靈活的運用

int main() 
Team<string> t;
t.addWarrior("Alice", 1);
t.memberBeatMonster("Alice", 10000);
t.addWizard("Bob", 2);

Team<int> t2;

t2.addWarrior(1, 1);
t2.memberBeatMonster(1, 10000);
t2.addWizard(2, 2);

return 0;


當我們做了class template,很可能會預到自己傳入的data type不是basic data type,而不能直接做opration的狀況(像是傳入一個class進去),那這時我們就得為有可能傳入的KeyType做operation overloading

template <typename KeyType> 
void Team<KeyType>::memberBeatMonster(KeyType name, int exp) {
for(int i = 0; i < this->memberCount; i++) {
if(this->member[i]->getName() == name) {
break; }

The standard library <vector>

A good reason to use templates

For strings:

  • We use a character array to represent a C string.
  • We use the class string to represent a C++ string.
  • The latter is to embed the former into a class and add useful functions.

除了char,我們也會想對int, double等data type做一樣的事,將資料包進class中的動態陣列並且添加一些有用的function。

All we need is a class with an embedded dynamic array for something.
Perfect for templates!

The standard library <vector>

In C++, there is a standard template library (STL).

  • It provides containers, iterators, algorithms, and functions.

The class vector with templates is defined and implemented in the standard library <vector>. It is just a “dynamic vector” of any type.

  • It is a class with an embedded one-dimensional dynamic array.
  • It has many useful member functions (including overloaded operators).
  • It is implemented with templates.

create a vector:

vector<int> v1; // integer vector 
vector<double> v2; // double vector
vector<Warrior> v3; // Warrior vector
  • Member functions that modifies a vector: push_back(), pop_back(), insert(), erase(), swap(), =, etc.
  • Member functions for one to access a vector element: [], front(), back(), etc.
  • Member functions related to the capacity: size(), max_size(), resize(), etc.

Rewriting Team using vector

template <typename KeyType>
class Team
vector<Character<KeyType>*> member; // Character<KeyType>*的vector
void addWarrior(KeyType name, int lv);
void addWizard(KeyType name, int lv);
void memberBeatMonster(KeyType name, int exp);
void printMember(KeyType name);

template <typename KeyType>
void Team<KeyType>::addWarrior(KeyType name, int lv)
Warrior<KeyType>* wPtr = new Warrior<KeyType>(name, lv); // 必須用動態記憶體配置,因為local variable會在函數呼叫結束自動被清除

template <typename KeyType>
void Team<KeyType>::addWizard(KeyType name, int lv)
Wizard<KeyType>* wPtr = new Wizard<KeyType>(name, lv);



We do need a destructor to release those dynamically created Warrior and Wizard.

template <typename KeyType>
while(this->member.size() > 0)
delete this->member.back(); // 找到vector中最後一個指標,把它所指到的空間清掉
this->member.pop_back(); // 再把存在vectore裡的指標清掉

Exception Handling


Exceptions are those thing that are not expected to happen. that typically refers to logic or run-time errors.


  • 判斷式回傳的true或false可能有千百種可能的理由,很難總是作為error的處理依據
  • 判斷式回傳的通常是一個value,而不是messages,print out不算message,也不應該隨便print out訊息
  • 我們不能強制使用者對判斷式的回傳值有所回應

C++提供exception handling去處理logic or run time error,當程式執行出現error時會丟出一個exception,使用者用catch去接這個exception做對應的處理。

Try and catch

// statements that may throw exceptions
catch(ExceptionClass identifier) // this kind?
// responses
catch(AnotherExceptionClass identifier) // that kind?
// other responses

當程在try block中發生error時會丟出exception,try block剩下的程式碼會被忽略,城市會找到對應的catch block執行,若沒有對應的catch block,就有可能發生abnormal program termination

若在try block中發生了exception,那些在block裡的靜態宣告物件會自動呼叫他們的destructor,以避免memory leak,但是動態配置的記憶體不會,因此最好不要再try block動態配置記憶體。

Example: string::replace()

replace()這個函式再C++ libary裡面被定義為有可能會丟一個out_of_range exception


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <stdexcept>
using namespace std;
void g(string& s, int i)
try {
s.replace(i, 1, ".");
catch(out_of_range e) {
cout << "...\n";

int main()
string s = "12345";
int i = 0;
cin >> i;
g(s, i);
cout << s << endl;
return 0;

Standard exception classes

C++ standard libary中有以下些exception classes:


  • logic_error
    • domain_error
    • invalid_argument
    • length_error
    • out_of_range
  • runtime_error
    • range_error
    • overflow_error
    • underflow_error

這些classes之間用到了Inheritanceandpolymorphism! 因此我們可以用parent's class container去裝child value

try {
g(s, i); } // this also works
catch(logic_error e) {
cout << "...\n";

Throwing an exception

We may also throw an exception by ourselves.

  • what() returns the message generated when throwing an exception
#include <iostream>
#include <stdexcept>
using namespace std;
void f(int a[], int n) throw(logic_error)
int i = 0;
cin >> i;
if(i < 0 || i > n)
throw logic_error("...");
a[i] = 1;

int main()
int a[5] = {0};
try {
f(a, 5);
catch(logic_error e) {
cout << e.what();
for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
cout << a[i] << " ";
return 0;

Modifying the function header

如果我們在function header後面加上 throw(type1, type2),代表function只能丟出header指定的exception或它的child,如果都不寫,就代表這個function可以丟出所有exception,有家的會可以提供使用這個韓式的人的閱讀性。

如果函數絕不會丟出exception,我們可以在function 後面加上noexcept,告訴別人使用這個函式不用catch exception。


size_t length() const noexcept;

Defining your own exception classes

若要寫一個字定義的exception class,必須繼承C++ 定義的standard exception classes

#include <stdexcept>
using namespace std;

class MyException : public exception
MyException(const string& msg = "")
: exception(msg.c_str()) {}
