CH8 Pointers
本文為 2021-Fall 學期旁聽台大資管系孔令傑教授開授的 Programming Design 所記錄的課程筆記。課程內容程式碼可以參閱我的 Github repo: C++ Programming-Design-2021-Fall
Basics of pointers
To declare a pointer, use
type pointed* pointer name;
int *ptrInt; 儲存int變數記憶體位置的指標
Pointer assignment
We use the address-of operator &
to obtain a variable’s address(取址)
pointer name = &variable name
int a = 5;
int* ptr = &a;
Address operators
: The address-of operator. It returns a variable’s address. (變數->變數的位址)*
: The dereference operator. It returns the pointed variable.(指標->被指到的變數)
int a = 10;
int* p1 = &a;
cout << "value of a = " << a << "\n"; // 10
cout << "value of p1 = " << p1 << "\n"; // 0x123450
cout << "address of a = " << &a << "\n"; // 0x123450
cout << "address of p1 = " << &p1 << "\n"; // 0x543210
cout << "value of the variable pointed by p1 = " << *p1 << "\n"; // 10
returns avariable’s address
.- We cannot use
- We can only perform
on a variable. - We cannot assign a value to
is a value!).
- We cannot use
returns the pointed variable.- We can perform
on a pointer variable. - We cannot perform
on a usual variable.
- We can perform
cancel each other.// if x is a variable
*&x == x
// if x is a pointer
&*x == x
Null pointers
If we dereference a pointers of unknown value, the outcome is unpredictable
int* ptr;
cout << *ptr; // ?
A pointer pointing to nothing
should be assigned nullptr, NULL, or 0
By using nullptr (instead of 0), everyone knows the variable must be a
pointer, and you are not talking about a number or character.
int* p2 = nullptr;
cout << "value of p2 = " << p2 << "\n"; // 0
cout << "address of p2 = " << &p2 << "\n"; // 0x123450
cout << "the variable pointed by p2 = " << *p2 << "\n"; // run-time error!
- When we use
a pointer, that*
is not a dereference operator. - When we use
a reference, that&
is not an address-of operator.
int* p, q; // p is int*, q is int
int *p, *q; // two pointers
int* p, *q; // two pointers
int* p, * q; // two pointers
Using pointers in functions
References and pointers
When invoking a function and passing parameters, the default scheme is to “call by value”
(or “pass by value”
- function會宣告自己的local variable,傳入的arguments values會被複製成local variable的initial values
當我們想要改變傳入的變數本身時,可以用“call by reference” or “call by pointer.”
is a variable’salias
. (變數的別名) -
int& d = c
is to declare d as c’s reference- 這跟
address-of operator 的 &
- 這跟
Call by reference
Instead of declaring a usual local variable as a parameter, declare a reference variable
. Thus we can call by reference and modify our arguments’ values.
原本x, y是兩個local value
,現在變成兩個local reference
通常reference只有call by reference的時候才會用。
void swap(int& x, int& y)
cout << &x << "\n";
int temp = x;
x = y;
y = temp;
Call by pointers
- Declare a pointer variable as a parameter.
- Pass a pointer variable or an address (e.g., returned by &) at invocation.
You can view calling by reference as a special tool made by using pointers.
void swap(int* ptrA, int* ptrB)
int temp = *ptrA;
*ptrA = *ptrB;
*ptrB = temp;
Returning a pointer
May a function return a pointer? Yes!
Why returning an address?
- With the address, we also know the value.
- If we only have the value, we do not know its address (and index).
- To obtain the index, we need
pointer arithmetic.
Dynamic memory allocation (DMA)
The operator new
allocates a memory space and returns the address.(請求空間,並且回傳空間位址)
- In C, we use a different keyword melloc.
int* a = new int //makes a store the address of the 4-byte space.
int* a = new int(5) //makes the space contain 5 as the value.
int* a = new int[5] //allocates 20 bytes (for 5 integers).
- 動態宣告陣列就不能用
來初始化陣列。 - 動態宣告出來的空間是沒有變數名字的,只有空間與位址,因此必須使用指標。
Memory leak
For space allocated during the compilation time, the system will release this space automatically when the corresponding variables no longer exist.
For space allocated during the run time, the system will not release this space unless it is asked to do so. Because the space has no name!
void func()
int* bPtr = new int[3];
// 8 bytes for bPtr are released
// 12 bytes for integers are not
int main()
func( );
return 0;
double* b = new double;
*b = 5.2;
double c = 10.6;
b = &c;
// now no one can access (沒有變數連接這塊記憶體空間了)
// the space containing 5.2
記憶體用不到也清不掉就是 memory leak
Releasing space manually
手動用delete operator
int* a = new int;
delete a; // release 4 bytes
a = nullptr; // now a points to nothing
int* b = new int[5]; a
delete b; // release only 4 bytes!
// Unpredictable results may happen
delete [] b; // release all 20 bytes
b = nullptr; // now b points to nothing
Two-dimensional dynamic arrays
With dynamic arrays, we now may create matrices with different row lengths
Example: lower triangular arrays
int* array = new int[10] // 接下來當作一般array用
int** array = new int*[10]
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
array[i] = new int[該row長度] // 接下來當作一般array用
- The type of array[0] is int* (指標)
- The type of array[1] is int* (指標)
- (然後再去指向一個動態陣列就好了)
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
delete[] array[i];
Arrays and pointer arithmetic
Pointer arithmetic: ++ and --
- ++: point to the next variable
- --: point to the previous variable
double a[3] = {10.5, 11.5, 12.5};
double* b = &a[0];
cout << *b << " " << b << "\n"; // 10.5
b = b + 2; // b++ and then b++
cout << *b << " " << b << "\n"; // 12.5
cout << *b << " " << b << "\n"; // 11.5
Pointers and arrays
x[ i ] and *(x + i) are identical, but using the former is safer and easier
int y[3] = {1, 2, 3};
int* x = y;
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
cout << *(x + i) << " "; // 1 2 3
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
cout << *(x++) << " "; // 1 2 3 (pointer variable存的address是可以改的)
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
cout << *(x + i) << " "; // unpredictable
// 修改指標的內容是危險的
int x[3] = {1, 2, 3};
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
cout << x[i] << " "; // x[i] == *(x + i)
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
cout << *(x + i) << " "; // 1 2 3
int x[3] = {1, 2, 3}; for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
cout << *(x++) << " "; // error! (array variable存的address是不可以改的)