
CH10 Self-defined Data Type


本文為 2021-Fall 學期旁聽台大資管系孔令傑教授開授的 Programming Design 所記錄的課程筆記。課程內容程式碼可以參閱我的 Github repo: C++ Programming-Design-2021-Fall


struct definition

We want to group different data types into a single type. In C, we do so by using struct (abbreviation of structure).

  • We do so when an item naturally consists of multiple attributes.
  • We do so to make the program easier to read and maintain. exp:
struct Point 
int x;
int y;

Point vector(Point A, Point B)
// Point as parameters
Point vecXY;
vecXY.x = B.x - A.x;
vecXY.y = B.y - A.y;
return vecXY; // return a Point

int main() {
Point a = {0, 0}, b = {10, 20};
Point vecAB = vector(a, b);
cout << vecAB.x << " ";
cout << vecAB.y << "\n";
return 0;
  • Declare variables with the self - defined type name.
  • Assign values to both attributes by grouping values by curly brackets.
  • Access attributes through the dot operator.
// 定義
struct struct_name
type1 field 1;
type2 field 2;
type3 field 3;
// more fields

// 宣告
struct_name variable_name;

// 存取

Partial assignments are allowed (with unassigned attributes set to 0).

Point A = {0, 0, -8}; 
Point B;
B = {10, 20, 5};
C = {5, 0};
D = {2}

struct and functions

You may pass a struct variable as an argument into a function.
You may return a struct variable from a function, too.

Memory allocation for struct



typedef is the abbreviation of “type definition”. It allows us to create a new data type from another data type.

typedef <old type> <new type>;

So we do not really create any new type. (只是幫old type取一個別名)

Example with typedef

typedef double Dollar; // define Dollar as double D
ollar nt; // declare a variable as Dollar
Dollar us;
cin >> us; nt = us * 29;
cout << nt << "\n";
  • The self-defined type can be used only in the block (if you declare it in any block). The same rule applies to struct.

typedef from struct

We may combine typedef and struct.

// define Vector from Point 
typedef Point Vector;

Point a = {0, 0};
Point b = {10, 20};
Vector vecAB = vector(a, b);

Example: <ctime>

很多C++的standard library 都會用typedef來提供函式功能,ex: function clock(), (defined in <ctime>) 回傳程式開始執行後經過了幾個system clock ticks 參考10_3.cpp

clock() returns a type clock_t variable (for the number of ticks).

  • clock_t is actually a long int. In <ctime>, there is a statement:

typedef long int clock_t;

Why clock_t?

假如某天C++ standard library 想要更改clock()回傳的變數型態,若原本回傳為long int,就會遇到舊版與新版回傳變數形態不同而所有程式碼都都改的窘境

To print out the number of seconds instead of ticks:

cout << static_cast<double>(eTime - sTime) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << "\n";

使用者就算不知道clock_t是什麼變數型態也可以直接使用,library就算改了clock_t的old type也不會影響到使用者。

struct with member functions

A member-function implementation

We may redefine Point to include a member function:

  • distOri() is a member function of Point.
  • No argument is needed.
struct Point 
int x;
int y;
double distOri()
return sqrt(pow(x, 2) + pow(y, 2));

int main()
Point a = {3, 4};
cout << a.distOri();
return 0;

One may define a member function outside the struct statement.
必須使用 scope resolution operator ::,並且把 struct 的名字加在前面,以區別出 member-function 與global-function。

struct Point 
int x;
int y;
double distOri();

double Point::distOri() // scope resolution
{ // is required
return sqrt(pow(x, 2) + pow(y, 2));

Two different perspectives

  • As a global function: I want to create a machine outside a point.
  • As a member function: I want to attach an operation on a point.
    The second way also enhances modularity(讓每個模塊功能區分清楚,成為獨立自主的個體,也較容易維護)




It “randomly” returns an integer between 0 and RAND_MAX (in <cstdlib>, typically 32767). Actually rand() returns a “pseudo-random” integer.

  • They just look like random numbers. But they are not really random.
  • There is a formula to produce each number.



We use srand to determine the seed.

void srand(unsigned int);

  • A seed can be generated based on the input number.
  • The sequence will become different.


In many cases, we use time(nullptr) to be the argument of srand()

  • The function time(0), defined in <ctime>, returns the number of seconds that have past since 0:0:0, Jan, 1st, 1970.

time_t time(time_t* timer);


Random numbers in a range

If you want to produce random numbers in a specific range, use %.

